Cosmetic, family and implant dentistry

Conscious Sedation

List of our Services.

Conscious Sedation


Sedation Dentistry produces a retrograde amnesiac effect which provides a safe and comfortable experience for patients to get the care they need and want.

Dr. Pickard, a trained Oral Conscious Sedation dentist, will customize the protocols to each patient's anxiety level and medical history. This allows the patient an incredibly comfortable, relaxing and safe experience.

Is Oral Conscious Sedation right for you?

  • Anxiety associated with dental visits

  • Suffer from acute or chronic jaw soreness

  • A strong gag reflex

  • Difficulty getting numb

  • Physical limitations such as back or neck soreness

What about drug interactions?

Sedation medications are chosen by Dr. Pickard based on an individual's medical history and any possible drug interactions that may occur with current medications, even herbal and nutritional supplements.

It is our office policy that if a patient elects Sedation Dentistry, it will be necessary that they are transported to and from the appointment by a responsible caregiver. Patients under sedation are not to drive themselves or utilize public transportation.**

What are some of the common side effects?

  • Retrograde amnesia

  • Dry Mouth

  • Hiccups